About the SC Crime Victims’ Council
The South Carolina Crime Victims’ Council (SCCVC) serves as the chief nonprofit organization in South Carolina advocating the development of crime victims’ rights and services. Through the development of well crafted public policy as well as increased funding and accountability for victims’ services, SCCVC plans to achieve both an increase in services and the creation of standards of service throughout the state. This 501 (C) (3) organization advocates on behalf of all victims of crime, enhances public awareness about victimization in our state and the laws that affect both crime victims and service providers, facilitates quality training and professional standards for service providers, educates and coordinates policy development, and encourages citizen and victim participation within the criminal justice system as well as with our state legislature & other policy makers. SCCVC has an extensive dedicated Board of Directors made up of crime victims from every walk of life who serve as role models, knowledgeable mentors and understanding resources for others. SCCVC maintains an interactive web-site, four public policy committees, an extensive Board of Advisors for the Standards & Certification Project, and a full time public policy presence at the SC General Assembly.
One of the outstanding projects of SCCVC is the Crime Victims’ Memorial Garden & Pathway of Remembrance at Riverfront Park in downtown Columbia where crime victims may reflect on milestones and remember individuals by purchasing engraved pavers with personal messages. The Garden is open to the public and is maintained for its beauty and to serve as a gathering place to celebrate Victims’ Rights Week each year and be available to all crime victim groups for special occasions. SCCVC is funded by donations, contributions, memorials and membership dues. All gifts are tax deductible.
SCCVC Office
1900 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29210-7047
Voice 803 413-5040
Fax 1-803-359-3900
Jackie Olsen / President
Warren Holsonback / Vice- President
Brenda Maxwell / Secretary Treasurer
Debbie Holsonback
Mack Maxwell
Lynn Eargle
Brian Marion
Andrea Mullin
Silvia Allen Ouzts
Susan Quinn
Randall Smith
Karen Smith
Members of the Board of Advisors for Standards & Certification:
The Honorable Alan Wilson, Attorney General of SC
The Honorable Leon Lott, Sheriff of Richland County
The Honorable Lee Foster, Sheriff of Newberry County
The Honorable Jay Koon, Sheriff of Lexington County
The Honorable Chief Terrence Green, Chief of Police, Lexington
The Honorable Chief Chris Garner, Chief of Police, Pelion
Ryan Alphin, Executive Director, SCLEOA
Jarrod Bruder, Executive Director, SC Sheriff’s Association
Sara Barber, Executive Director, SCCADVASA
Mary Ann Stroup, Victim Advocate 8th Circuit Solicitor
Bridget Daly Musteata, Victim Advocate, Duncan Police Department & President of LEVA
The Honorable Gary Watts, Coroner, Richland County
Marion Lindsey, PP&PS Victim Advocate, retired
Ed Spenser, DMH
John O’Leary, esq., Attorney
Pete Strom, esq., Attorney
Pam Gregory, SC FBI Victim Advocate
Teri Porcel, Victim Advocate 9th Circuit Solicitor
Debbie Curtis, Victim Advocate PPP&S & Chair of the SC Victim Service Coordinating Council
Veronica Kunz, SC Crime Victim Ombudsman
Public Policy Committees
General Issues: Laura Hudson
Juvenile Justice Issues: Bill Mathias, Katherine Barton
Children Justice Issues: Kim Hamm, Jennifer Buster, Sharon Fennell
Family Violence Issues: Scott Beard